Thanks to "Ryan from Canada" for sharing his thoughts. Here are the distilled insights from his message.

Rule 1: No more Zero Days

A "zero day" is when you do nothing towards your goals, dreams, or self-improvement. Ryan stresses that you need to commit to having no more zero days. Even the smallest action—writing one sentence, doing one push-up—counts, because the goal is to avoid a string of zeros. Consistency is key, not intensity. It’s about breaking the cycle of inactivity and building momentum through small but regular progress.

Takeaway: Consistent small actions, even one step a day, lead to long-term success.

Rule 2: Be grateful to the "Three You’s"

Ryan introduces the concept of the "Three You’s"—past, present, and future you. He emphasizes being grateful to your past self for positive actions, and do favours for your future self, just as you would for a friend. This concept helps build a sense of self-love, respect, and motivation, creating a positive feedback loop between past efforts and future rewards. It also helps you get out of a rut. 

Feeling like shit today? Stop a second, think of

Feeling like shit today? Stop a second, think of a good decision you made yesterday. Salad and tuna instead of Big Mac? THANK YOU YOUNGER ME... Alarm clock goes off and bed is too comfy? fuck you present self, this one's for my best friend, the future me: I'm up and going for a 5 km run.

Ryan from Canada

Takeaway: Acknowledge your past accomplishments, take actions today that benefit your future, and create a cycle of gratitude; and remember to give gratitude to others who helped you on your path (thanks Ryan).

Rule 3: Forgive Yourself

Self-forgiveness is a powerful tool. Ryan urges the importance of forgiving yourself for past mistakes or missed opportunities. Holding onto guilt or frustration about previous failures can drain your energy and focus. By letting go, you allow yourself to move forward with a fresh mindset.

Takeaway: Forgive yourself for any failures or missed opportunities, and use that new energy to keep moving forward.

Rule 4: Exercise and Books

Ryan keeps this final rule simple: exercise and read books. Exercise not only keeps you physically fit, but it boosts mental clarity and emotional well-being. Books are the key to self-improvement, as they contain the wisdom, experience and solutions of others who have faced similar challenges. He suggests reading books on productivity, emotional intelligence, and personal growth to level up your thinking.

Takeaway: Physical exercise and mental growth through reading are foundational pillars for self-improvement. Personally, I think books means books - or as close to distraction-free, low-intensity curiosity-indulging learning as you can get.

Bonus Insight: You Become What You Think

Ryan adds an additional thought: you become what you think. Your thoughts influence your habits and decisions. If you constantly think about your goals and take action, you will start to embody the person you're striving to be. Thoughts lead to actions, which lead to the life you want to create.

Takeaway: Your mindset shapes your reality, so focus your thoughts on the person you want to become and take consistent action towards that goal.

Closing Thought

Ryan’s position reminds me that change begins with small, manageable actions - and thus ones I can take no matter my mood or energy level. By building a non-zero mindset, practicing gratitude towards myself, forgiving my past mistakes, and investing in both physical and mental growth, I can overcome obstacles and make meaningful progress.

I will keep using my blog to capture these moments of clarity, especially where it could be a simple, constructive part my my habits in life.