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Why passwords are so bad, and what you should do about it

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Today I cofounded Pointers - a site to help fast track your career

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A project I'll complete with my hands

This week's agon: "Identify one project youd like to complete with your hands, whether chore or craft."

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My new extension: Automatic Tasks for Panic's Nova

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Australia Mk2

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Kaizen (non-resolutions for 2021)

Do you have non-resolutions for 2021? Here's mine.

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I researched robot vacuums so you don't have to

I searched through so many options, dumb ones, cheap ones, AI ones... and settled on the Deebot Ecovacs T8+. Why? Because it represents a good robot with all the features at a central price-point. It also has an optional self-emptying mechanism, and it was on sale.

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My thoughts on working abroad as a migrant

Born a Briton, I have lived and worked in France and Australia as a migrant worker. I thought Id share the stories with you, in terms of the practicalities and the experiences. So how did I get through the net? In both cases I leveraged a degree in Engineering, recognised by the Washington Accord, and relevant skilled experience, gained in respected businesses and fields. Other than those, France and Australia had different requirements. Whilst its a short list, I appreciate that this is a privileged position to start from.

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Don't make espresso cream soda

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